Crate ethers_solc

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pub use artifacts::CompilerInput;
pub use artifacts::CompilerOutput;
pub use artifacts::EvmVersion;
pub use hh::HardhatArtifact;
pub use hh::HardhatArtifacts;
pub use resolver::Graph;


Solc artifact types
Represents an entire build
Support for compiling contracts
Hardhat support
Commonly used identifiers for contracts in the compiled output
The output of a compiled project
Manages compiling of a Project
Subscribe to events in the compiler pipeline
Resolution of the entire dependency graph for a project.
Utility functions


The aggregated output of (multiple) compile jobs
Helper struct for serializing --allow-paths arguments to Solc
Represents an artifact file representing a crate::Contract
Represents unique artifact metadata for identifying artifacts on output
Represents a set of Artifacts
An Artifact implementation that can be configured to include additional content and emit additional files
Represents the Artifact that ConfigurableArtifacts emits.
Determines what to emit as additional file
Determines the additional values to include in the contract’s artifact file
An Artifact implementation that uses a compact representation
An Artifacts handler implementation that works the same as MinimalCombinedArtifacts but also supports reading hardhat artifacts if an initial attempt to deserialize an artifact failed
Additional context to use during ArtifactOutput::on_output()
Represents a project workspace and handles solc compiling of all contracts in that workspace.
Contains a mixture of already compiled/cached artifacts and the input set of sources that still need to be compiled.
Where to find all files or where to write them
Abstraction over solc command line utility
The config to use when compiling the contracts
An FileFilter that matches all solidity files that end with .t.sol


A Solc version is either installed (available locally) or can be downloaded, from the remote endpoint




A trait representation for a crate::Contract artifact
Handler invoked with the output of solc
A predicate property that determines whether a file satisfies a certain condition